Privacy policy ex D.lgs.196/03 and EU Regulation nr. 679/2016
Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 and following the entry into force of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 in accordance with the provisions of art. 13 of the aforementioned European Regulation, we wish to inform you of the following:

Purpose of the treatment
Your personal data, freely communicated and acquired by us due to the activity carried out by:

Legal representative :
Tax number: 05698500872
Registered office : Via Novara, 31 – Catania – Italy

will be treated lawfully and fairly for the following purposes:

The processed data are updated, relevant, complete and not exceeding the purposes listed above for which they are collected and subsequently processed.

Mode of treatment
The data will be processed, in compliance with the necessary security and confidentiality, through the following methods: collection of data from the data subject, collection and recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, used in further processing operations in terms compatible with these purposes, processing carried out with the aid of electronic and automated tools (collection of data electronically, directly at the data subject).

Legal basis for processing
The legal basis for the processing of Vs. personal data is based on the registration to the web portal

Legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller
The legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller in the processing of data is given by having to respect and honor the contractual obligations signed between the parties. Pursuant to art. 6, the lawfulness of the processing is based on the consent manifestly expressed by the interested party, documented in writing. Mandatory or optional nature of the provision of data and consequences of any refusal to respond: the nature of the provision of data by you is mandatory so that the data controller can provide the services requested. In case of refusal it will therefore be impossible to complete the registration process and the System Owner will not be able to fulfil the contractual obligations.

Communication of data to third parties
Your personal data will be processed by the Data Controller, by the Data Processors appointed by him and by the persons in charge of the processing strictly authorized. The Vs. personal data are not subject to dissemination.

Storage duration
Your personal data will be stored for nr. 10 years from the termination of the service/supply relationship of the product in the computer files owned by START-HUB SOLUTIONS SRL

Intention of the Data Controller to process personal data
The Data Controller will not transfer Vs. personal data to a third country or to an international organization.

Data Controller and Data Processor
The data controller is START-HUB SOLUTIONS SRL Contact details of the data controller, mail :

The interested party may at any time exercise the rights reserved to him, pursuant to art. 7 of which the full text is reported: art. 7 Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and art. 15 EU Regulation 679/2016 – Right of access to personal data and other rights – “The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form.
The interested party has the right to obtain the indication of: the origin of personal data; the purposes and methods of processing; the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic means; the identification details of the controller, the responsible person and the appointed representative pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 2; of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of them in their capacity as designated representative in the territory of the State, as managers or persons in charge.

The interested party has the right to obtain: updating, rectification, or, when there is interest, integration of data; cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those for which storage is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; certification that the operations referred to in point a. and b. have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except where this fulfillment is found impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the right protected.
The interested party has the right to object in whole or in part: for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection; the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication”. In particular, the data subject may at any time request the Data Controller access to personal data and rectification or erasure of the same or restriction of processing concerning him or her or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability. The data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation and has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
You can exercise your rights by writing to the following e-mail address:
